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Deadpoint studios


    "Deadpoint Studios" is the one stop shop that can do it all from mixing and mastering to music video production. Our management team can take your music or art to a new level by building your social media, and amazing websites. See results as we market your product to the entire world and build your fan base.. Need logo designs? Need merchandise? We have you covered there to and will even sell and advertise your products in our stores. You cant beat that. Contact us for a free consultation. Deadpoint is a good choice for any brand or business.

Blane M Long
A.K.A   "La Stat"
Julie Scott
Follow La Stat on Facebook

          Hi everyone, its very good to meet you and have your support. You can call me La Stat. I've been fascinated with music from a very young age. I had a urging to learn the instruments but more so I focused on the lyrics and the vocalist that wrote their way into my heart and soul. At the age of five I started imitating vocalist like Billy Joel from the band green day, all the way to John from Korn, and Manerd from Tool. I became extremely good at it and continued to do imitations of vocalist and movie stars. Through out junior high and high school I attended choir and ensemble. In high school I attended college level marketing classes. I gained even more knowledge about my vocal ability's and how to really control my voice box. and how to let crowds on social media listen to my ability's and how I progressed. Later on after high school I started a band called "When Eyes Restrict," in the metalcore genera because I wanted to do a verity of vocals. Heavy "Lamb Of God" growls and screams and then change up on a dime to clean "Three Days Grace" style vocals. I put everything I had learned growing up to the test and started tapping into my other set of vocal cords. I never stop working on my knowledge for vocals and my expansions as a guitar player. Throughout our voyage in "When Eyes Restrict," I learned vital information on promoting and marketing music. We caught the attention of "Stevil Helmer" with our six song demo. He took me under his wing and gave me the basic ins and outs of marketing a band and gaining fan base. Gave me three marketing skills to bring us extreme exposure and success. For six months I asked questions and soaked up knowledge from "Stevil" and Ben "Sword" to find out what they had been teaching us had been drawing in eyes of some well known record labels. Since that day I've still been marketing, building ads, social media pages, website and more for young bands, musicians and even models. I can put a artists career all right in front of them with a bundle kit an E.P.K which in this day is a necessary for any artist band or public figure. Build a starting fan base and consult with you individual through Skype or in person on how to build your brand the right way and get noticed fast. I'll get you on the road you need and I'll stay from beginning to end if that's what you need or want.

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